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Kidsit is a free website that connects local people through jobs and services. See our Pay Rates.

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New People & Jobs

Esther Filani

Esther Filani
Thornton Heath, England UK

Mariah Medeiros

Mariah Medeiros
Vallejo, CA US

Ziyana Jennings

Ziyana Jennings
Vero Beach, FL US

From Our Blog

I found the tips on Kidsit so incredibly helpful, direct, clear, actionable and reasonable. The website is easy to navigate, the illustrations are engaging and I literally just want to spend hours exploring.
Joanna Humphrey Flynn
5 stars
Joanna Humphrey Flynn
Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Competitive Pay Rates (Apr 2024)

Average hourly service rates per country:
Babysitting $17.78
Pet Sitting $16.22
Babysitting $20.63
Pet Sitting $20.08
United Kingdom
Babysitting £12.18
Pet Sitting £11.82
Babysitting $31.00
Pet Sitting $30.54
New Zealand
Babysitting $25.68
Pet Sitting $25.63

Rates are calculated daily from our live member data